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ISSUE #45 \__\__\___THE____/__/__/ Sep 5, 2000 _____________TEMPO DISPATCH _____________ Newsletter For Drummers and Drumming Enthusiasts Copyright Bill Powelson 2000 all rights reserved. ____________'IT'S ALL ABOUT DRUMS'__________ Tips * Tricks * Hints * Ads * Freebies * Lessons * _________NOW 3,800+ SUBSCRIBERS!___________ TABLE OF CONTENTS: What is in this issue? 1. Feature Article: DIVERSIFICATION: The #1 Secret to Drumming Success 2. Humor? Guess who? ______________________________________ |__________FEATURE ARTICLE___________| . . . "DIVERSIFICATION" . . . THE #1 SECRET TO: 'Professional Drumming Success' * We should all continue to jam at home for fun, with the music we LOVE . . . (while keeping one-eye and ONE-EAR, on diversification . . . ) If ANY song seems to confuse our timing . . . or cause us to play out-of-time, we should put THAT song on a back-burner for later practice. We can always come back to it after a few more hours, weeks or months of home-jamming fun. Later, we'll discover that those very same confusing songs will become easier to play, as we get a grip on the simpler, slower and easier songs of the SAME TYPE . . . * We should stick with 'POSITIVE EXPERIENCES'! It's important to play only the music with which we can STAY 'IN-TIME'. FIRST RULE OF DRUMMING! ALWAYS PLAY 'IN-TIME'! This will build that 'special', 'DEEPER' sensitivity and respect for the tempo and BACKBEAT, that all monster drummers possess. As our 'tempo & backbeat sensitivity' increases . . . the sometimes confusing, off-beat songs will become less confusing and easier to play. * We should also strive to DIVERSIFY our musical tastes as we grow. REMEMBER THIS, ALWAYS . . . "Any music genre or style that we DON'T LIKE, is a music genre or style where we WON'T FIND SUCCESS". We must always try to be ready to play and appreciate ANY MUSIC that A POTENTIAL JOB-OFFER may call for. A closed mind can cost us a lot of future money and work. There's always good and bad music in every genre. We should always try to appreciate the BEST of ANY style. It's the healthy thing to do . . . and it may put food on the table when our 'favorite' genre lets us down. When the phone rings at 7 pm . . . and (for example), a VARIETY band is offering us $150 to setup our drums and help replace the old drummer . . . Will we? Can we go out there and cut the gig? CAN WE MAKE THE MONEY and maybe . . . secure a 'temp' job that otherwise might not have been available? What if the rent is due . . . and the bank is repossessing our car the next day? What if it's the ONLY gig in town? * We should ALL keep our minds (and attitudes) open to DIVERSIFICATION . . . by experimenting with, and appreciating the BEST music in ALL MUSIC styles. Doing so will help us become well-rounded, more respected drummers as we strive to conquer the profession. ($$$$ THE BONUS ADVANTAGE, TO THIS MIND-SET:) Our phone will ring more often and we'll enjoy ever-increasing job-opportunities. DO A STUDY OF YOUR OWN LOCALITY . . . * What music styles are selling best? * How many (drumming) jobs are open? * What music styles are those bands playing? * Could you take those gigs if they were up for grabs? * If not . . . how long will it be until you'll 'fit' into an OPEN gig that suits your taste? * Can you wait that long? JOB-SEARCH HINT: (This tip is good for beginners, looking to start a band, too.) Almost every music store will have a free bulletin board, where bands are seeking musicians and musicians are seeking bands. Check out a few stores in your area. Analyze the potential job-market, then AIM at those potential openings. LOADED QUESTIONS: (Food for thought . . .) * Should we sit around, waiting for only the 'dream' jobs that suit OUR tastes? OR . . . * Should we ADJUST OUR TASTE to fit the jobs that ARE available? We must decide this for ourselves . . . then we must be ready to seize ANY opportunities AS THEY ARISE, (if we hope to work steadily. :>) This 'DIVERSITY' factor is the MAIN reason so many student drummers do not continue on as professional 'career' drummers. Often, our potential 'dream gigs' may never materialize. Therefore . . . we may never find a foot-hold into the profession . . . unless we DIVERSIFY our personal taste. As an ON-TOPIC GIFT . . . here's a free web page lesson . . . THAT COULD HELP, "SNAG THE GIG OF YOUR DREAMS . . ." It's just another of the hidden lessons in my 80 lesson course. It's designed to hopefully help put a few of the VERY-talented but non-working drummers TO WORK . . . playing the music styles they truly love. Snagging the Perfect Dream Gigs P.S. People wonder how I can keep up with the e-mail. It's easy! I TRULY DO LOVE all this. I wouldn't be out here on the web at all . . . if NOT for the e-mail! Actually . . . about half of the lessons in the course are a direct result of YOUR e-mail exchanges. For example, this practice tip wouldn't have come about . . . without direct input from one of the students. (Thanks for the great question, Soren. :>) Write me anytime! :>) _________________________________ |___________HUMOR? _____________| Can you imagine working at the following Company? It has a little over 500 employees with the following statistics: - 29 have been accused of spousal abuse - 7 have been arrested for fraud - 19 have been accused of writing bad checks -117 have bankrupted at least two businesses - 3 have been arrested for assault - 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit - 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges - 8 have been arrested for shoplifting - 21 are current defendants in lawsuits - In 1998 alone, 84 were stopped for drunk driving Can you guess which organization this is? Give up? It's the 535 members of your UNITED STATES CONGRESS. The same group that perpetually cranks out hundreds upon hundreds of new laws designed to keep the rest of us in line... >>>Source: The Smokers Club